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We just want to welcome you to our side of the web and our version of the lifestyle. We aim to create a community that brings the four sides of lifestyle (Swingers, Kink, BDSM, and Poly) together for events and private parties. Having a discreet place for our tribe to be able to meet, chat, and play is ultimate priority to us. If you're new to the Lifestyle and have questions or seek to meet likeminded people then this could be a great space for you but we do vet. We are not the cheapest events and we don't allow everyone into our spaces. Being like the other communities has never been our goal. The Midwest has plenty of clubs, groups, and private parties. We try to support as many of them as we can... so don't be surprised to meet other club owners and event promoters at our events. The goal is to create memorable and unique experiences right? Once again welcome to Xclusive Xperiences.


Mahogany & Art


We are always looking to grow our lifestyle community. Mindset. Vibe. Energy

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